Thursday, December 29, 2011

Let's blog again, Like we did last summer....

Wow, what a whole 5 blog posts and poof, I quit?!?!  What the heck?!?!  Not sure where that time went or why I never re-opened the blog until today.  I was riding the elevator at work this afternoon when all of a sudden I thought about the new year that is quickly approaching and then the old blog popped into my head.  Yeah, I have lots of random thoughts like that.

Soooo, what's been happening in our world?!?!  Hmmm....Noah is still in 1st grade and we are half way through the school year already.  He's growing like a weed and keeping him in shoes and clothes is lots of fun.  He begins basketball league in January and is still playing violin, although he now would like to start playing guitar.  John began a new job right after Thanksgiving.  He is a Union Machinist in St. Louis.  And he is now my personal chauffeur as he drops me off every morning and picks me up on the way home.  It's nice that him and I have two hours of time we can talk every day!!  (And it doesn't hurt to know we are saving some major bucks not having two vehicles on the road along with me not having to pay garage fees!!!!)  And me, well, same old same old.  But wait, I believe I forgot to mention the new addition to the Tepe household (and no, it's not a baby!)  Introducing Cole, our approximately 6 year old beagle/basset hound mix.  I was not a fan of getting a dog as we are gone a lot and well, then there is my whole animal in the house issue I have.  But Cole has to be the laziest and sweetest thing and well, we love him a whole heck of a lot around here as evident in this picture:

(Cole the Great and his 'master' Noah!)

I hope that all of you are enjoying your Christmas and New Year's Holiday Celebrations.  Our Christmas was quiet this year and at first while a little sad by the thought of it, it turned out that I really enjoyed the down time.  Tomorrow evening we will celebrate Christmas with our group of friends at our home followed by a day of nothing (love it!!) on New Years Eve and then Sunday I am hosting a first ever Cousins Gathering on my dad's side of the family that I am very excited about.  Menus are planned and as much as I wanted to take it down already this week, John convinced me to leave the tree and other decorations up through Sunday.  Monday we are all off and that makes me very happy!  Not sure what  I will do when I have to actually work, gasp, a 5 day work week again!!!  ARGH!!!

(Tepe family Christmas Card 2011)
I am totally into chevron print this year and don't know why!!!

So for now, I sign off with the hopes that 2012 brings more than a half dozen blog posts but more importantly a wish for you and yours a very SAFE and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!